Is Networking Broken?
Have you ever left a networking event with a pocket full of business cards and not one good lead? Of course you have! We all have, in fact people all over this country do that every week feeling like they just wasted an evening. The sad truth is that traditional professional networking is broken.
We Supercharge Professional Networking!
After a decade of attending trade shows and conferences we’ve learned a few things about maximizing our valuable time. Trade shows, even just going as an attendee, take a lot of time and planning. Why? Because trade shows aren’t cheap! You’ve got a lot invested with a plane ticket, hotel, food, etc. and therefore there’s a sense that you need to make it worth the expense. This mindset hasn’t crossed over into the professional networking arena… until now.
It’s like eHarmony for Networkers!
Imagine that a week before you plan on attending a networking event you could review a confirmed list of who was going to be there, reach out and introduce yourself and your product or service. How powerful would that be? Now, take it one step further. You can review a list of potential attendees and encourage them to show up to meet you in person.
Building Connections For You
So, we’ve taken care making the best use of your time once you get to the networking event. How powerful would it be if you could answer a few questions about your ideal customers’ needs and be automatically connected with people that have those needs? We’ve automated this prospecting system and we’re continually refining it. If you could make more money and have more time with more connections… maybe you should sign up?