- Name
Erik Bowman, M. Ed.
- City
Redondo Beach
- About You
Best Selling Author, Publisher, Serial Entrepreneur founder of Localista®, Authr.com & Entrepreneur Boot Camp®
- Birthdate
1969-09-02 00:00:00
- The one thing I am most passionate about
Helping local businesses thrive.
- Company Name
Localista Media
- Company Description
Localista Media provides our clients with the latest in Social Media Marketing services in conjunction with unique Native Advertising and Local Expert Promotional services.
- Website
- Location
Redondo Beach, CA
- Logo
- Your Skills and Talents
Marketing, Advertising, Promotion
- Ideal Connection Skills and Talents
Writing, Publishing, Author Consulting
- Testimonial 1
Erik Bowman has been to exactly where you want to go and has written brilliantly about how you can get there yourself. His books on start-ups give you a head start and a major competitive advantage. – Jay Conrad Levinson, The Father of Guerrilla Marketing
- Testimonial 2
Regarding one of Erik Bowman’s recent book, ”Entrepreneur Boot Camp for Consultants”, Brian Tracy said, ”This excellent book, written by an expert, shows you how to succeed as a consultant faster and more profitably than perhaps you ever thought possible.”